
Discover what our clients have to say about their experiences with Mind Surgeon. Read testimonials from individuals who have benefited from our personalized mental health services, and learn how our compassionate approach and evidence-based techniques have made a difference in their lives.

As long as I remember myself, I was thinking that the only way to get rid of my fears was to face them. Until I realized that this was not enough. I had to deal with my fear of the water, especially where I couldn’t reach the ground with my feet.

I wasn’t sure how hypnotherapy could help me, but I was hoping it would work for me. My experience with Kiki was amazing, and to be honest, I wasn’t really skeptical about trying it, because she’s a perfectionist, and trusting her was the right thing to do. It helped my confidence in the water, and although it was only one session, day by day, I realized that my fear was less and less.. I’m finally enjoying going to the pool and working out perfectly and almost forgetting that I ever had this fear.

I would definitely recommend Kiki and I am really grateful for this experience because it was life changing for me as I use it in other ways too.
Many thanks to you Kiki!!

Christia E


I am really grateful as I experienced RTT myself in the hands of Kiki Ypsilanti who is truly dedicated to her clients. I ́ve had different types of therapies during my life to heal my heart and soul and those helped me in the process of becoming better. For some time I thought about the reasons behind the relationship issues and I knew about that from a conscious level. However, Kiki took me so deep into my subconscious mind that I realized that those events in the past marked my life since I was a kid, but not anymore.

My body reacted shaking during the session, liberating me from pain and traumas and that was awesome. When I was feeling so emotional and an insecure during the scenes she calmly and easily brought me back to feel comfortable and ready to continue with the journey to heal. The high grade of genuine interest and preparedness is shown by Kiki at all times. Any one who is helped by Kiki will experience a tremendous transformation in their lives.

Kiki, my heart and soul thank you for the amazing work that you do. You are amazing!

Noé M. G.

PC Technician | Cancun, México

The RTT session on weight loss and emotional eating was a beautiful and transformative experience. It has really helped me to become clear about where some eating behaviors came from. I am now much more mindful, making conscious choices about what I want to eat and how much of it.

Kiki was incredibly supportive and empathetic; during the session and also afterwards, creating a recording for me that I always enjoy listening to. I felt at ease with her from the beginning and it was easy for me to open up, as she made me feel heard.

Changing my eating habits wasn’t the only thing the session helped me

with. I have also become more confident and I no longer care about other people’s opinions. Within the first week of listening to the recording, my motivation skyrocketed and I started finally working out and doing more for my fitness.

Not only do I feel better, but I’m much more motivated to get into action and achieve my goals. I have already lost some weight in the meantime and I am confident that I will reach my desired weight.

I can recommend working with Kiki to anyone who wants to finally solve a problem, even if it has existed for a long time. I am extremely grateful for this session with her. Experiencing a transformation in what you have been longing for a long time is priceless. The session goes very deep. Deep seated beliefs are brought to the surface from the subconscious and overwritten with better beliefs.
I would like to thank Kiki for her extraordinary work. I am very happy that I found her and I’m happy to experience this wonderful transformation.

Thanks Kiki, love and hugs

Jenny D. B.


When I first met Kiki Ypsilanti on Zoom, well, it was love at first sight. Her smile, kindness and empathy immediately conquered me, so that I was soon keen to trust her and rely on her.

I had been wandering on the web, burdened with my perfectionism,

having understood it was a crucial issue for me. I had followed Marisa Peer on Facebook, and I was quite interested in her method. So, when I looked for an RTT Therapist, I just happened to find Kiki.

In the first session, she was very good at examining my most important

issues, as well as my feelings about it. But of course the real turn was the second session, in which she brought me to crucial scenes of my childhood life, which had all to do with my present issue.

The session was amazing, so enlightening and liberating. In the end, I was really exhausted, and at the same time I eventually felt so FREE. Free of my burden, free of my need for perfection. It was no magic, it had taken time and effort by the two of us, of course – my availability to give out myself, my memories, my emotions, and her very professional and empathic work, accepting and transforming what I said in something that would make a very different sense now from then. It needed time and effort – but not 3 years nor 3 months: about 3 hours! I almost couldn’t believe it.

Not only this, but Kiki also gave me an amazing, motivating recording with her beautiful voice,specifically reminding me of all the wonderful things we had transformed together. So, my job wasn’t finished, because I would have to listen to this recording every day, for at least 21 days after our session. The mind learns by repetition, and I came to realize how true this is.

Now I feel empowered and, even much more, I feel FREE. Being free from perfectionism means I can BE. I can EXIST. I can be myself and do what I really want and think better – and I mean what “I” really want, not what I am expected to be or to do from others. Waking up in the morning with this beautiful, liberating feeling is a treasure I couldn’t imagine could be so close to me.

So, should I need a professional helping hand again in my life, I would surely go back to Kiki. Thank you again, Kiki, from the depth of my heart.

Anna de Blasio


Kiki is a phenomenal RTT therapist! She took great care and was extremely diligent and considerate with the intake process. During the actual RTT session she was gentle and encouraging when I was recalling my 3 scenes and giving me time to process and make sense of it all by my subconscious mind. Kiki’s knowledge and understanding of the various RTT tools was clearly evident as demonstrated during the session itself. The transformational recording is powerful and very compelling, I have been listening to it twice daily to super boost the changes. My results in the past 3 weeks are a clear indication that Kiki

and RTT do work and produce outstanding results when you actively participate in your therapy. I have personally shifted my mindset and behaviors around food & exercise and have reduced my weight by 3.5 kilograms already in just 21 days, which based on my efforts over the past two years is a major result as the yo-yo and bad habits have stopped! I have no doubt I will achieve my ideal weight over

the next twelve months and will happily provide a further progress update in 6 months time.

I highly recommend RTT and Kiki as an RTT Therapist, because by investing in yourself your life will be transformed in a profound and all pervasive way by tackling the root cause of your presenting symptoms. A definite must do as you are genuinely worth it so take the most important step in your life by booking your session with Kiki and you will also rave about her later!

An extremely grateful client!
Much appreciation and gratitude



My problem was a lack of trust in myself, not trusting my own inner compass, not accepting myself as worthy or enough and not valuing my own path above the opinion of others, I was in a weak place coming from an addiction background and having fully accepted “powerlessness”. Unfortunately for me, it became learned helplessness and it manifested itself in my life as career confusion, lack of follow through, lack of discipline and lack of power to say ‘No’

to temptations or distractions. I tried many things including 3 different versions of the 12 step program, prayer, scripture, group therapy and about 25 sessions with a licensed therapist specializing in addictions. I believe the secret to RTT is the power of producing not just one or two reframes but 10, 15, or 20 reframes in a single session. So, in that sense, one session can completely alter your destiny and quality of life. It is the most powerful process I have ever experienced. And you get an audio that captures all the reframes and new beliefs to reinforce the new neural pathways- you can listen to this audio for 21 days, but also use it any time you want to boost the new powerful beliefs, your energy and self-talk.

Kiki is extremely professional, she has really mastered the craft of hypnotherapy. Her compassion, empathy and deep understanding of psychology and ability to see things as they are, makes her a great RTT Hypnotherapist. You are in good, safe and powerful hands with Kiki as your guide and I would definitely recommend her. Since we have had our session I have regained a ton of self-trust, self-control and self-acceptance. I am more focused, productive and passionate about my direction. I even feel the desire to write music and play drums, coming back. I feel like I have gained my voice and my power back as well as my courage that keeps growing over time as I soak up the new programming through the custom-made hypnosis audio of Kiki.

Although I am a work in progress, I would say if you want fast and effective progress then turn to Kiki as your Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapist without a second thought. If you are someone that was tortured with a sense of powerlessness and addiction as well as career confusion, and you’ve tried a ton of other things that didn’t work, I suggest you try RTT with Kiki and then you will finally discover that after so many years and other attempts, you find something that works radically and insanely fast. If I knew how much time and money I could have saved by doing this sooner, It would have been the first thing I would have done and the only thing I would have needed. Time saved is priceless. Do yourself a massive favor and heal now, do not wait any more and start living the life of your dreams, the life you deserve. I would definitely recommend Kiki as your RTT Hypnotherapist to help you accomplish that goal!

Kiki is incredibly effective with an amazingly powerful technique that gives results. Feel reassured to work with her on multiple issues with multiple sessions. You’ll feel lighter and freer faster and the hypnosis audios she will create just for you, can be kept and used for the rest of your life as a never ending source of empowerment. Have full faith and confidence in Kiki, in her mastery of the RTT craft and the craft itself.

Russel G


The reason I turned to Kiki was because something came up in my life and I wanted to see why I have that issue and deal with it instead of ignoring it. I thought Kiki would be able to help me. I have heard of her before and had a good impression. So when I joined the session that was confirmed to me. She instantly had a really genuine, good vibe and that put me at ease. I have noticed after the session and listening to the recording, I was able to share my most uncomfortable feelings with someone important to me. It is as if my default setting of hiding things and staying silent is now changing into talking about it openly and letting myself be vulnerable. I want to mention that it was never easy for me to share my feeling and now it is a lot better. I think it’s thanks to the recording. Weirdly now I have also started to recognise every time I am looking for approval from people. But I guess becoming aware of that is better than being in denial. That’s progress. Finally, I am more appreciative of my value as a woman and I make sure to prioritize my needs and feelings, which I have never done before. All in all, I would definitely recommend working with Kiki. She is empathic, she cares a lot and she is good at reassuring you that what you want is possible. She is great at listening and asking questions, so in the end, you end up sharing more than you expected and realizing what it is that you actually want. I am happy to have done this session. My favorite thing was Kiki’s bright positivity and the recording that I can now have forever. Thank you Kiki. All the best.

Yuliya Nika


I had the chance to get to know Kiki through the RTT network and I decided to kindly ask her to give me a session of hypnotherapy for a physical issue that I’ve been having for the last few years. This issue has become a very unwanted presence in my everyday life, affecting every aspect of it. Throughout the session Kiki was very warm and empathetic. On the other hand, I felt her determination to analyze and discover the most hidden causes/origins of this symptom. During the intake I felt really at ease to talk and give all the information and the regression was very smooth and effective. Kiki immediately understood and targeted the core of the issue and made me feel completely safe and ready to let go of any defense or resistance. I’ve been listening every day for 3 weeks (sometimes twice a day) to the transformation recording that she sent me. She chose the most effective and evocative words. I can say with certainty that, even with only one session, the symptom has improved little by little every day. After 3 weeks it has become something much more manageable, it is not the main thought of my day as it used to be. I strongly recommend Kiki Ypsilanti as hypnotherapist for her professionalism, intuition and strong therapeutic empathy.

Luisa Giavatto

Paris, France

I was not expecting this outcome when I signed up for my RTT with Kiki.

What an interesting experience that was. Profound instant healing.

Kiki’s voice is so perfect for this.

The session went smoothly, with Kiki putting me gently under hypnosis with her soft and confident voice.

She guided me through critical memories that affected my being to this day. Such as always saying “yes”, even though it did not always make me happy.

I thought the problem was that I was being held back from speaking my mind and expressing my emotions.

Turns out, I just had the tendency not to listen to people instead! What a twist that was!

There was a lot of self-love, rediscovering myself, acceptance, healing and releasing of old patterns that no longer serve me.

A unique and valuable experience that will always stay with me.
Kiki, it was a great honor working with you and an even greater honor being human with you!

Thank you for your service to humanity!

Marilena Ntoufa


Ever since I can remember myself, I have been a person full of phobias in my life. My biggest phobia though, was animals, more specifically, dogs and cats, domestic or stray ones. My parents and I, tried many ways to fight it, they took me to a child psychologist twice, I went to a psychologist later, with no results. My life, with these phobias, was very difficult and uncomfortable. For example: when I went to a restaurant and there were animals, I was overwhelmed by panic and terror. I couldn’t enjoy the moments with my loved ones, I also felt like I was letting them down, because I reacted in a way that took me outside of myself (crying etc..). Also, when I was traveling and there were animals near me, I panicked again. When I went to a friend’s house or even to strangers, I always asked ‘’do you have animals? If so, please move them to another room’’. In general, my life was very difficult and stressful. The reason I turned to RTT was because I had exhausted all my options to no avail, as I said above. I wasn’t sure if it would work, but I looked it up and found that it’s completely different from what I had done in the past. I trusted Kiki for this treatment, because she has the gift of making you feel comfortable and safe with her. We did the session, I felt an immediate difference on me, from the 1st moment, while it took some time for the change to be established, which is very normal and anticipated, as Kiki described to me (21 days). The fear and terror I used to feel is gone, the change is something very noticeable that others see me and acknowledge it. It’s magical, the treatment literally took the fear out of me.  Letting go of that anxiety and panic that I had in the past when being close to pets or animals, is something that never crossed my mind. Something else, I want to mention is that you can find from where any problem/phobia comes to you, because there is always a root cause for everything, as I have learned from Kiki. I highly recommend Kiki as an RTT Therapist, she did something we have been trying to do for years with no results. Thank you very much for this gift of freedom you have given to me, I am grateful.

Nikolaou Marina


I would highly recommend Kiki Ypsilanti as a therapist. She is very hands on and has a professional attitude towards her clients, yet her warm and welcoming personality shines through all the way, securing trust and safety in the process.


I felt very well taken care of before, during and after the treatment, and in the weeks following I loved listening to my very own and bespoke transformational audio with Kiki’s soft and calming voice. Her follow up after the session was also very ensuring.


My initial presenting issue was procrastination, and this was much related to performance but also to my health, and both areas feel resolved now. It’s like I have become a more grownup version of myself, tending to necessary tasks with more ease and calmness, and also taking care of myself with a greater sense of self compassion and

self love.


I would highly recommend Kiki as a therapist to others.

Lene Juvik


Even after my first RTT session with Kiki, I started feeling the difference: I was more calm, relaxed and overthinking was already something that belonged to the past. Kiki helped me face parts of my past that I had buried such as childhood issues, which needed to be recognized and accepted. Through the whole process of hypnotherapy, she guided me to feel sensations of my past and enabled me to find the causes of certain traumas and the reasons I carried them in my adult life. Analyzing these, through my RTT session with her, made me feel immediate emotional relief and helped me understand my own life story and the way I react to certain situations.

Trusting her was easy since she immediately made me feel heard and tuned in with me in an empathetic way. She took all the time needed to understand my situation and which parts I would like to focus on and have improved, putting my feelings into words that I couldn’t express before.

After hypnotherapy, I have noticed that my everyday life has changed in different ways, such as the way I’m thinking or the way I perceive several situations as well as the fact that I am more open towards people and vice versa.

Without a doubt, I would highly recommend Kiki as an RTT therapist to whoever might be struggling and wants to be healed. Her holistic approach as well as the amazing connection one may feel with her, can bring significant results. She truly cares about helping others and loves what she is doing!


Thank you, Kiki, for all your support & commitment!

Nicoleta C


The session with Kiki was amazing. She really helped me discover some unconscious beliefs from my past regarding my ability to truly connect with others. Through the whole process of our work together, I felt understood and cared for. Our transformational session helped me to

implement new beneficial beliefs and to change for the better. Thank you so much for everything!

Anna S


Kiki is a phenomenal RTT Therapist. She is professional and returned my emails and questions promptly and set up our meeting right away. We had our session via Zoom and it was fantastic. I felt so safe with her and easily opened up as she confidently led me through the session and hypnosis. Through this process I was able to review scenes in my life that I hadn’t realized created limiting beliefs about my own creativity. There was such a beautiful healing of my inner child. Since our session,

I have listened to my audio everyday and it has made a difference in my life. Now, I am on time without stress (I hadn’t realized this was even an issue!). I have gotten to the work of doing tasks that I previously procrastinate doing. I have emailed the talent agencies that I, for some reason, couldn’t bring myself to do – and I am dusting off a film that I have hidden away and want to now share!

Kiki is a phenomenal RTT Therapist. I would recommend anyone who has limiting beliefs or issues that they want to resolve, to see Kiki. She is professional, non-judgmental, and is an incredible cheerleader of encouragement for those who want to heal and live up to their own

highest potential. I felt so safe with her throughout the entire process and have dug out the root of the limiting beliefs that were holding me back and replaced them with new, exciting ones! I love the audio she created for me and am still listening to it, well beyond the prescribed 21 days.

Thank you Kiki for an insightful and healing RTT session!



Berlin, Germany

I’m Eliana and I’m so happy that I found Kiki. Kiki guided me through a deeply revealing and healing process. I didn’t know what hypnosis was and I was scared. I found Kiki’s approach reassuring because I was aware all the time and processed emotions as they arose. It was also very effective: in only one month I noticed changes in my self-esteem in many ways. It is easier for me to say yes to life, to set boundaries and be mindful of my needs. More importantly I have a general sense that I deserve to be Happy. My relationship with my daughter has improved sensibly, it’s like we See each other with new eyes. The session of RTT therapy was the most intense thing ever. I’m now in place where I am no longer ruled by my past, no longer doubtful of my position in life. Kiki helped me to regain my very best self and have the confidence to move back into the life I have been struggling to fit into.  Much gratitude to you Kiki for your support and guidance…..



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