Under 18” Policy


This document sets out general information about the Hypnotherapy and Rapid Transformational Therapy I will be providing for the child/adolescent/young person (referred to as the ‘client’) and the information I will share with you, their parent or guardian, as a result.

Information Sharing

I may raise challenges that impact my client, for example at home or school, which lie outside of my control. If it is necessary to refer my client to another professional with more specialized skills, I will share that information with you and either ask you to arrange the referral, or seek your permission for me to make it where that is appropriate. If I believe my client, or any other child or vulnerable adult, is at risk of harm, I have a legal duty to refer this to the appropriate authorities. In the case where the information disclosed may cause harm to the child or another person(s), I may not be able to inform you of this disclosure and reserve the right to share information without your consent. Usually, however, you will be informed of any information which I deem important in order to support the client. I will not share with you details of what the client has disclosed to me without their consent.

I will ask the client if there is anything that he/she may want to share with you at the end of the session. At the end of the therapy session, I will review with you the session in general, including what issues were discussed, what progress was made, and what areas are likely to require intervention in the future. 

It is helpful to remember that our relationship is professional and not social. Our professional relationship is of utmost importance as we work together towards achieving your child’s goals and bringing resolution to the challenges which are disclosed through the session(s).

Both you and the client are in complete control and may end the relationship at any time, although I do ask that the client participates in a termination discussion. I have been trained to a high standard to cause no psychological harm. However, you both also have the right to refuse my techniques or suggestions if you feel the intervention is no longer appropriate.

During the beginning of the therapy, I will ascertain what tools and techniques would be suitable. I will not be able to work with any child without parent/guardian written consent. 



Hypnosis is a highly enjoyable experience. It is deeply relaxing, therapeutic, and can help enhance a child’s life in numerous ways.

Below the age of 7, we mostly live in our subconscious mind and pick up many beliefs and suggestions from our external world. From the ages of 7/8, we begin to develop more of a conscious mind and start living in our thoughts. Considering we have over 6,000 thoughts a day, that’s a lot of thoughts. When we are young, we can often get caught up in our negative thought patterns and do not know how to get out of them. This is often developed from a deeply rooted belief we picked up about ourselves when, really, we should be having fun and enjoying ourselves.

Once we have conditioned and programmed ourselves to fail and plan for things to go wrong, and our self-esteem and confidence are destroyed, this can completely block our chances of success and living our best life.

Hypnotherapy can help to install positive thoughts and beliefs to replace outdated negative ones and break through barriers that are holding us back. For some, the change is instant but for others, it can be subtle and progressive so it is important to keep the momentum going in order to make a positive change.

Option 1 - Unsupported Hypnotherapy (Self-hypnosis)

This option will teach the child the basics of self-hypnosis, a technique to guide them to achieving their desired feeling/behavior. They would be taught the technique and given a generic recording around how they want to feel or behave, which they will be required to listen to daily for at least 21 days. After that time, they can choose how often they wish to listen to the audio.

Self-hypnosis also allows the child to switch off from the stresses and strains of modern-day life, leaving them feeling refreshed, restored and empowered. It also provides them with the tools to create more positive thoughts and get them out of their negative self-talk. All young people want to feel good enough, have confidence, and feel comfortable being who they are. Using the RTT self-hypnosis method can help them break free from negative thoughts and accelerate them to achieve what it is they want.

Self-hypnosis is also regarded as one of the best methods to reduce stress and help reach deep levels of relaxation.

Young people’s outer reality is a reflection of what they are thinking and feeling on the inside. By changing what they think and feel inside, they begin to change their outer experiences for the better.

Option 2 - Fully Supported Rapid Transformational Therapy Session

This option will get to the root cause and reason why the client feels the way they do using various therapeutic techniques, including hypnosis. We work together to discover why, where and when the client came to believe certain things about themself and why they associated certain feelings with that belief. We then reframe the way they feel about those events and move towards more positive suggestions which will, in turn, change their behavior and feelings. 

Young people often need help with a variety of issues but the most common are: a sense of not being good enough, being afraid to fail, and/or having low levels of self-esteem and confidence.

These feelings can create very negative behaviors, such as anger, anxiety, reluctance to socialize or access education, eating issues or self-harm. A full RTT session will help to find out the root cause and reason for the feeling which drives the behavior, and change it for the better. During an RTT session, we work together as a team. It is rather like being a detective working with the subconscious to find the moment in time the mind formed a negative belief. Together, the young person and I go on a journey to discover how, where, when and why they picked up beliefs about themself, which is a bit like going back on a timeline. As the mind is in a more relaxed but focused state during hypnosis, it can find its way to a specific moment in time that has meaning to the young person. By uncovering the root cause and reason, we work together to change the meaning and the feeling to a more positive one that alters the beliefs and behaviors.

It is not necessarily the event itself that has caused any harm, but the interpretation of that event and the belief formed by the child at the time. We work together to link why those experiences have affected them today, then change the belief to create more positive thinking. There are various RTT tools and techniques that I can use to empower the young person and bring them into their present self, feeling confident and assured about who they are today. 

This is a powerful and empowering technique that creates significant change and I highly recommend this method. The client would be required to listen to a personalized recording for 21 days and then as many times as they wish thereafter.


I acknowledge and agree that Kiki Ypsilanti will provide the service of *Unsupported Hypnotherapy or *Rapid Transformational Therapy (*delete as appropriate) to my child.


I, the parent/guardian of the child hereby release Kiki Ypsilanti from any liability or claims that could be made against her concerning the client’s mental and/or physical well-being during the work that has been outlined and agreed upon (now and in the future) by filling out this form. This liability waiver is not intended to exclude or restrict liability for death or personal injury caused by negligence and to use Rapid Transformational Therapy knowing that by participating fully in the process and by listening to the personalized recording for 21 days, my child plays an important role in the overall success of the therapy.

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