RTT® combines several therapeutic disciplines

RTT means Rapid Transformational Therapy and it is an innovative, world award winning therapeutic modality that uses hypnosis to reach the subconscious mind and eradicates the root cause of many mental health issues that reside deep inside the human psyche. It is the most phenomenal and amazing healing method that provides people the life of their dreams, because they can be cured and healed on a much deeper level. In comparison with many other techniques that may have failed, RTT has the most rapid, radical and permanent results. The founder of this powerful method is the world- renowned hypnotherapist Marisa Peer, who is also my teacher and mentor.

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You may be afraid when you hear the word ‘hypnosis’ because you have been misguided by the media or movies. The truth is that hypnosis is the most natural and beneficial state for our mind. It is when our conscious/analytical/thinking mind gets silent and our subconscious mind ‘wakes up’ then and takes the lead. In our everyday lives, we are being hypnotized without even realizing it e.g. when you watch your favorite movie, program or your football on the TV and you cannot listen if anyone around is talking to you, that is happening because you are hypnotized. When you are driving to your workplace and you reach it without even remembering how you got there, that’s because you were hypnotized while you were driving. When you have a hobby and you are totally concentrated and focused on it while you perform it, you are hypnotized again…Scientifically, in hypnosis, the frequency of our brain waves gets lower than the one we have in our everyday life. So, when we act through our conscious mind, we do that under Beta brain waves, but when we are hypnotized, we go lower to Alpha brain waves and even deeper to Theta brain waves. These much lower frequencies hide all the answers, insights and revelations that we need in order to unlock our highest potential. Generally, hypnosis gives our mind a chance to be recharged and rejuvenated too, as a boost fuel that is given to it. Also, it is a very deep relaxed state that is extremely pleasant for the client, who enjoys it tremendously. 

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Although RTT is based on hypnotherapy and uses many of its principles, its approach is totally different from the one of classic hypnotherapy (CH).

 The most basic difference is that RTT finds the root cause of a problem, the origin of its misinterpretation and discards it before installing the beneficial and wishful suggestions that the client wants. On the contrary, CH does not search for the deeper reason of an issue and focuses only on the positive suggestions which aim to give to the client during the time of the session. 

Another difference is that in RTT, the induction process takes only 5-10 minutes, approximately, instead of 40-45 minutes that classic hypnotherapy needs. 

Finally, in RTT the client gets, at the end of a session, a custom-made recording, which obtains all the positive, desirable results for an upgraded life and listens to it for the next 3 weeks, so that the installation process is successful. In CH none of the above is done. 

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Human mind has two parts: the conscious and the subconscious mind. Our conscious mind is the thinking, analytical, logical, left -brain mind and we use it in our everyday lives only 5% of the time. So, this is the mind we use when we go to work, when we prepare and organize our program and our to-do list, or when we are having a conversation with someone. Our subconscious mind, though, is our autopilot, it is what keeps us alive and we act through it 95% of the time without even realizing it. When we have a habit that we want to change, but we can’t, when we have a non-beneficial way to react or respond while interacting with other people or when we experience several life events and we are trying to change our behavioral pattern through our conscious mind, we are most likely going to fail. The reason is because the root cause of every habit, limiting belief, pattern, addiction, fear, anxiety resides deep inside the subconscious mind and not in the conscious one. And that’s exactly where we go with RTT, to find all the answers and gain rapid, radical and permanent results for our wellbeing.

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Totally! Actually, you are in more control then, than in your everyday life, because you are more awake, meaning, fully aware of yourself and what you do and say. The choice is always yours to proceed, to go deeper, to delay, to ask anything or even to stop at any time. 

Another important thing is that you remember everything, during the session and after the session too! This is extremely valuable, since it gives you the ability to recall and digest all the revealed information afterwards, which is an essential part of the healing process.

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Not at all. It is so simple that after you try it you will be amazed by its simplicity and efficacy at the same time.

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Yes, everybody can be hypnotized, because it is a natural state of the human mind and you already function in ‘hypnotic’ brain waves while you fall asleep at night or immediately after you wake up and even when you meditate. 

In the rare case of a client who is so stressed that he/she doesn’t let him/herself loose to follow my induction instructions, I use other approaches to help him/her relax, trust and enjoy this wonderful state. It is always the client’s choice, though, to accept the suggestions.

First of all, we have a free discovery call, where we meet each other verbally and we exchange some basic information- this call can last 15-20 minutes approximately. 

Next, we arrange the consultation session, which takes almost an hour and there I take more precious and necessary information from you, the client, about your presenting problem that you want me to help you resolve- this can be done in person or online, through a video call.

After that, the full RRT session is programmed and done in 2-3 hours max, where 70% of the healing process takes place- the rest 30% depends on you, the client, because you will be given a transformational personalized recording, which you must listen for the next 21 days. During this period of time and at the end of each week you will provide me some feedback and I will help you deal with what emerges and how to alchemize it into pure growth and freedom. 

Finally, when we reach the 21st day, we will have an obvious clarification of the beneficial change that happened to you and depending on your answers we will decide for another session or not.

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Not a problem! We can do our sessions together online! Yes, that’s right…RTT can be done online too and it has exactly the same, amazing results as in the in-person sessions.

I use Zoom for our online sessions and we follow the same steps of the RTT protocol as in the non- virtual meetings. This gives you also the opportunity to have a session from the comfort of your own place, without any limitation, wherever you live on the planet. My testimonials from the clients I have already worked with, from all over the world, can prove online RTT’s efficiency.

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Absolutely! All the international awards and credentials support this claim, but it’s in your hands to experience it first hand, as long as you are willing to participate actively in your healing and invest in this commitment.

The transformation after RTT can be manifested in 3 ways:

  1. Instantaneously- the perspective shift happens during or immediately after the session and you can feel it immensely with all of your senses.
  2. Accumulatively- the change takes place gradually with increasing signs and you feel different day by day, towards your desirable outcome.
  3. Retrospectively- none of the two above ways has occurred and you think that nothing has changed, but suddenly, after a longer period of time, you look back and you realize that you are a totally different person from the past, in a whole new way.

Also, a combination of 2 or 3 ways is possible.

Yes, it is. Regression holds the keys to investigate and expose the core belief systems that keep somebody stuck and weak. You cannot heal what you don’t see and that’s exactly what regression does- it makes you realize what was deeply hidden for so long, so that, later on, you can let it go.

Regression is 100% safe and you can never stay or stuck there forever- this is a myth. It is like visiting the past as a viewer and not as a participant, so you do not relive anything, but you just review and observe from the angle of the powerful watcher now and not the vulnerable victim (as if you are watching everything through a screen or a window).  

Nevertheless, generic recordings, as positive reconditioning of the mind, can also be made, where no regression is needed and these are indicated for people who need a generalized help to deal with: increasing concentration, sleeping difficulties, boosting confidence, loveability, enoughness, etc…

The average of the issues need 1-3 sessions, but this is not a strict rule, because it always depends on the presenting problem, on the personality of each individual and the client’s commitment to take the personal responsibility of her/his transformation. 

Some issues, e.g. fears, phobias, smoking, confidence, may just need only 1 session to be dealt with, while some others, e.g. anorexia, bulimia, deep depression, PTSD, CPTSD can take more than 4-5 sessions.

Of course, it is! Everything you share with me is legally protected under the law and rules of GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), in accordance with professional codes of ethics and all this is explained in more detail in the Privacy Policy of this website. Remember, I have been a dental surgeon too and I already know how medical confidentiality works.

From 12 years old or even a little bit younger until…no exact number here, because we have no limitations. The only thing that is crucial is the client’s wish to change and the will to participate in her/his own healing.

Because it is proven scientifically that the human brain needs 21 days to install new information and make it a habit, so that it can stay locked into the subconscious mind and never leave from there.

It only lasts 15-20 minutes approximately, with a small exception when I prepare a super healing audio for some special cases and then it can be around 30 minutes maximum.

Once a day is enough for the installation of the transformation to begin, but it has been shown that when clients decide to hear it even twice a day – because they simply loved it! – they experienced massive, much faster change!

Definitely! There is no other answer here than a simple, huge YES. It is for the teacher, for the doctor, the waitress/or, for the employee, the neighbor next door, the CEO, the worker, the surgeon, the builder, the housewife, the parent, the single, the married, the elder, the younger…Everybody deserves it and everybody can have it!

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